Alexis Malkin, OD, FAAO

Attending Optometrist


Dr. Alexis Malkin is a graduate of Emory University and completed her optometry training at New England College of Optometry (NECO). She completed her residency at the Northport VA Hospital with a focus in primary care optometry, low vision rehabilitation and vision therapy. Dr. Malkin then completed the Lions Vision Rehabilitation Fellowship at Johns Hopkins in 2010.Dr. Malkin joined NECO faculty where she is an attending optometrist at the New England College of Optometry (NECO) Center for Eye Care Commonwealth and Lynn Community Health Center. She is also a Clinical Assistant Professor with a focus on vision rehabilitation.

Until recently, Dr. Malkin was working in a low vision practice in the DC metro area and was also a part-time faculty member at Johns Hopkins University, Wilmer Eye Institute. She is particularly interested in clinical research including better understanding outcome measures and improved access to low vision care. Dr. Malkin is a regular contributor to Advanced Ocular Care and is a fellow of the American Academy of Optometry. She has published numerous peer-reviewed manuscripts in low vision rehabilitation and clinical outcomes. In addition, Dr. Malkin has lectured throughout the US and internationally on a variety of topics including Patient Outcomes, Optics, and technology in Low Vision.

Low Vision Rehabilitation