MAKE AN APPOINTMENT: For our Commonwealth office, please call (617) 262-2020 or email [email protected]. For our Roslindale office, call (617) 323-7300 or email [email protected].

At NECO Center for Eye Care, we are dedicated to providing exceptional care for patients with diabetes, focusing on preventing and managing diabetic eye disease. Our comprehensive diabetic eye care program combines state-of-the-art diagnostic technology with the expertise of our experienced optometrists to detect early signs of retinopathy and other vision-threatening conditions. Through personalized treatment plans, patient education, and ongoing monitoring, we strive to preserve and enhance the vision of individuals with diabetes, ensuring they maintain a high quality of life.

Why is eye care critical for people with diabetes?
Test Blood Glucose For Diabetes in Pregnant Woman With GlucometerPeople with diabetes are at a higher risk of developing severe eye conditions such as diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and cataracts. Regular eye care is essential to detect these issues early and manage them effectively to prevent vision loss.

What is diabetic retinopathy?
Diabetic retinopathy is a complication of diabetes that affects the blood vessels in the retina. It can lead to vision impairment and, if left untreated, blindness. The condition progresses through four stages, from mild nonproliferative to proliferative retinopathy.

What are the signs and symptoms of diabetic eye disease?
Symptoms of diabetic eye disease can include blurred vision, floaters, difficulty seeing colors, dark areas in your vision, and vision loss. There are often no early symptoms, so regular eye exams are crucial.

Can diabetic eye disease be prevented?
While it may not be entirely preventable, you can significantly reduce the risk and slow the progression of diabetic eye disease by maintaining reasonable blood sugar control, managing blood pressure and cholesterol levels, avoiding smoking, and having regular eye exams.

What treatments are available for diabetic eye disease?
Treatments for diabetic eye disease depend on the severity and type of condition. They can include laser surgery, injections of anti-VEGF medications, and vitrectomy surgery. Early detection through regular exams makes these treatments more effective.

How can blood sugar control affect eye health?
Keeping your blood sugar levels within your target range can prevent or delay the onset of diabetic eye disease. Consistently high blood sugar levels can damage the small blood vessels in your eyes, leading to conditions like diabetic retinopathy.

Are there lifestyle changes that can help protect my eyes if I have diabetes?
Yes, adopting a healthy lifestyle can help protect your eyes. This includes maintaining a balanced diet, exercising regularly, avoiding smoking, managing stress, and following your diabetes care plan closely.

What role do blood pressure and cholesterol play in diabetic eye care?
High blood pressure and high cholesterol can exacerbate diabetic eye conditions. Managing these factors through diet, exercise, and medication can reduce the risk of developing serious eye problems.

How often should someone with diabetes have an eye exam?
The NECO Center for Eye Care recommends that individuals with diabetes have a comprehensive dilated eye exam at least once a year. More frequent exams may be necessary if you have existing eye conditions or changes in your vision. We invite you to
contact us to make an appointment for an evaluation.
